Helpful development and architecture advice for .NET developers
© Nick Chamberlain, LLC
Should you use a CQRS framework?
3 Reasons to Model Identity as a Value Object
Pre-orders open for my new ebook!
Event Sourcing and CQRS with .NET Core and SQL Server
Handling Non-Aggregate Root Events for Child Entities
Why we Avoid Putting Value Objects in Events
EventStorming's Coincidence with Business Process Improvement
Let's ship something together...
How do We Write Factories for Event Sourced Aggregates?
Using Event Sourcing in a Legacy Environment
Awkward Aggregate Root relationships and how to rethink them
A Reactive Process Manager in C# with Akka.NET
Applying Domain-Driven Design with CQRS and Event Sourcing
User Interface
The Read Model Facade
Handling Events on the Read Side
Publishing Events to the Bus
Testing the Bus
Sending Commands to the Bus
The Bus
The Read Model
An Executable Specification
Testing an Event Sourced Aggregate Root
Aggregate Event Persistence
Event Store
Command Handlers
Implementing an Event Sourced Aggregate
Design Level EventStorming Continued
Complexity and Cost
Design Level EventStorming
People and Commands
Domain Discoveries
Big Picture EventStorming
The Domain - First Pop Coffee Company
Un-swallowing Swallowed Exceptions with Fody and IL Weaving
More Efficient Domain Modeling with EventStorming
Where do you find resources for learning DDD, CQRS, Event Sourcing, and EventStorming?
Has the code devolved into a big ball of mud?... What can you do about it?
Does your workplace use best practices?...
I was thrown into the codebase from day 1...
I've inherited 200k lines of spaghetti code... what now?
Are you working on the greenfield code that you always dreamed of?...
What's better: bad tests or no tests at all?...
Cracking open a legacy code 'black box'...
The time is now... the doors are open to buy Intuitive Testing with Legacy Code
Nobody plans to write smelly tests...
I just want to work on something interesting...
Debugging all the time isn't fun...
Intuitive Testing with Legacy Code
Just starting out with Domain Driven Design?
Today is your last chance to buy Intuitive Testing with Legacy MVC at a discount...
Flipping a Boolean When All Values Meet a Condition with LINQ
Test smells before code smells...
Want a sneek peak at my upcoming book: Intuitive Testing with Legacy ASP.NET MVC?...
Staying positive and delivering value...
Debugging all the time is not fun...
Make legacy code less 'black box'...
The legacy testing dilemma
3 Ways to Loop Without do/do-while/for/foreach/etc...
Why Delegates? Why not Call Methods Directly?
New to Testing Time-Dependent Code?... Use NodaTime.Testing!
How to Map Nested JSON Objects to a .NET Dictionary
Weekly Keyboard Shortcut #5: ReSharper's Generate Type Constructor
Weekly Keyboard Shortcut #4: ReSharper's Go to File Member
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Changing a Type within a Class when you Instantiate: An Intro to Generics
Weekly Keyboard Shortcut #3: ReSharper's Expand/Shrink Selection
Weekly Keyboard Shortcut #2: ReSharper's Rearrange Code
Weekly Keyboard Shortcut #1: ReSharper's Go To Everything
Getting Started with Entity Framework Code-First with an Existing Database
Erlang-style Supervisors in C# with Akka.NET and the Actor Model
Converting DateTimes by Offsets with NodaTime
Singleton Indexer - A Workaround for not having Static Indexers in C#
Bad Data, Try/Catch, and Slow Performance
Throwing an Invalid Cast Exception?... Look Out for Unboxing
Calculating Values using Calculated Values in LINQ
Exposing IQueryable in a CQRS Query Stack
A Pattern to Decouple your Aggregates from their Clients
A Better Way to Project Domain Entities into DTOs
Do I Really Have to Unit Test This Method?
What Needs to Be Disposed?
What's the Point of the 'dynamic' Primitive Type?...
Keep an Eye On Your Azure Service Bus with the Particular Platform
Building with Azure Service Bus?... Take a Test Drive with the NServiceBus Sample Project
How to Compare Object Instances in your Unit Tests Quickly and Easily
Entity Framework: Modeling an Email Domain with CC and BCC Addresses