I just want to work on something interesting….

“I just want to solve problems… not debug and fix legacy code all day…”

“I don’t want to do this bullshit anymore.”

Yea, I’ve said these things before too.

I want to hear less of this kind of talk. That’s why I wrote Intuitive Testing with Legacy Code.

This book is about getting started and just plain shipping. I don’t want anyone to be paralyzed by ugly, smelly code.

When you inherit a legacy project, you may think you have to paint a broad brush over the shit pile. You might try fixing the code over countless refactorings that may or may not make an impact. You might try to go from 0% to 50% test coverage. This is futile. This is boring.

I don’t think improving legacy code has to be futile or boring. You can change your perspective about the code you’re working on.

You can ship strong code every day and be the most valuable developer on your team. You can apply precise testing and refactoring that focuses on something that your company/boss/client needs from you. You can use tests as a way to show everyone that no one else can write code as fast and as good as you can.

My book is about diving in and embracing the code that’s been given to you.

To show you that I’m serious - have the first couple chapters for free. Just click this link:

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