What I’m Doing Now…
Here’s what I’m doing now. Thanks to Derek Sivers for his project at
- Working on this blog… it’s an effort to offer something to the .NET community. I’m not an expert, but doing research and coding up examples to give whatever I can give.
- Learning about the Actor Model - reading “Reactive Messaging Patterns with the Actor Model: Applications and Integration in Scala and Akka” by Vaughn Vernon
- Trying to put the underlying strengths of Domain Driven Design into practice. That is: working with Domain Experts, Context Mapping, and establishing the Ubiquitous Language.
- Trying to ignore some of the technological details of using DDD/CQRS/Event Sourcing for now so that I can fully understand the theory and problems that they solve before picking the tech
- Implementing Messaging Patterns at my company to improve the reliability of the integrations that are mission critical.