Over the past couple weeks, we’ve talked about legacy testing a lot.

First, I talked about the dilemma you face when you enter a new environment and take on a project that’s had way too many unskilled hands on touch it. It’s not pleasant. You like building stuff, not fixing people’s attempts at building stuff…

The only other way you’ll tackle this code is with the debugger… this isn’t fun. It’s slow, but there’s no other way for you to get state information from this app in real-time. Ugh…

These code situations aren’t always what you signed up for. You just want to be done with this bug fix/feature so you can move on to something fun - something that’s going to teach you something new and exciting.

Effective testing makes legacy code just as enjoyable and rewarding as greenfield code.

As a maker, there’s no better satisfaction than actually writing code in the editor. Testing makes this happen. It makes it happen early and frequently. It’s a form of shipping. It lifts up your confidence. It becomes your signature that shows future devs that at least one amazing developer worked on this codebase.

Sure, legacy code that wasn’t tested is mostly untestable at first, but it’s ok to write smelly tests when you’re wrangling smelly code.

I wrote Intuitive Testing with Legacy ASP.NET MVC to show you how to make the best of testing legacy code. It’s about testing through the legeacy situations that other books can’t articulate easily. It’s about digging yourself out of the trenches and leaving a positive mark on that project you didn’t want.

You will gain testing intuition from this book. You will start seeing what to test and where to refactor. You will build a testing strategy that you can apply to any legacy project. You’ll move with confidence and ship code.

Today is final day to get $10 off the book. Use the promo code bpemail and buy it here.